Tessa von Twinkle - The 6th Annual Fresh Orleans Burlesque Fest

Duration: 7:59 Views: 654 Submitted: 6 months ago
Watch Tessa von Twinkle - The 6th Annual Fresh Orleans Burlesque Fest video right now. This is hottest adult scene with tag new orleans of show Tessa von Twinkle - The 6th Annual Fresh Orleans Burlesque Fest. Leave your likes and comments, if you liked this episode, there will be more videos like this!Tessa Von Twinkle performs in the 6th Annual Fresh Orleans Burlesque Jamboree, introduced by Rick Delaup. Filmed by Anthony Ratcliffe, Stephen LaMarche, and Chris Michel. Edited by Anthony Ratcliffe. For more info on the burlesque jamboree, visit www.neworleansburlesquefest.com TESSA VON TWINKLE (Indianapolis, IN), the slinky, provocative performer and producer of the “Improv-a-Taunt Burlesque Series” intertwines the ultra-cutie of antique fashion and glamor with a moist and randy charisma. This independent burlesque gem has been creating and showing her “naughty with a smile” fashion steadily since 2009, across the Midwest and beyond in flashes and burlesque festivals throughout the U.S. Whether in Fresh Orleans, Las Vegas, Saint Louis, Chicago, Kansas City, or closer to home, this vet of the Indiana neo-burlesque gig known as, “The Galactic Gem with One Hell of a Shine” never ceases to pleasure and arouse her audiences.”