"Serpentine: Stomach Dance with Rachel Brice" DVD/instant flick :: WorldDanceNewYork.com :: bellydance

Duration: 2:24 Views: 506 Submitted: 6 months ago
Watch "Serpentine: Stomach Dance with Rachel Brice" DVD/instant flick :: WorldDanceNewYork.com :: bellydance video right now. This is hottest adult scene with tag how to dance of show "Serpentine: Stomach Dance with Rachel Brice" DVD/instant flick :: WorldDanceNewYork.com :: bellydance. Leave your likes and comments, if you liked this episode, there will be more videos like this!Starlet performer and educator of contemporary stomach dance, whose mechanism, artistic fashion, and super-hot personality contributed to the rise of Tribal Fusion stomach dance. Rachel's instructional method offers you contraptions to achieve precision of isolations, deep utter-range maneuverability, as well as plasticity and power that will give you the sinuous serpentine mercy characteristic of Rachel's own dance fashion. Her fucks, concoctions and yoga sessions are designed to help you establish your own normal dance experience, customized to fit your creative goals and lifestyle.