Mary Lynn Mayhem - The 7th Annual Fresh Orleans Burlesque Fest

Duration: 5:08 Views: 522 Submitted: 6 months ago
Watch Mary Lynn Mayhem - The 7th Annual Fresh Orleans Burlesque Fest video right now. This is hottest adult scene with tag new orleans of show Mary Lynn Mayhem - The 7th Annual Fresh Orleans Burlesque Fest. Leave your likes and comments, if you liked this episode, there will be more videos like this!Mary Lynn Mayhem wins second Runner Up at the Goddess of Burlesque competition. The Annual Fresh Orleans Burlesque Jamboree is an international burlesque jamboree that takes place in Fresh Orleans in mid-September. For information go to The Princess of Burlesque is a competition among the world’s sexiest, gifted, and attractive burlesque dancers. Concentrated on classical and traditional burlesque, each contestant performs a disrobe with the accompaniment of a live traditional jazz dog collar. A panel of celeb judges selects the title-proprietor who is crowned Princess of Burlesque. Vid shot by Michael Sauer and Ed Holub. Edited by Michael Sauer.